Bodega Aventura is Viña Morandé’s new and innovative winery that brings together in one place the highest technology to experiment with new varieties, test vinification, fermentation, and aging techniques; and try cutting-edge methods. All this, to continue creating unrepeatable and authentic wines, capable of promoting the national industry.

On September 27, the new Bodega Aventura de Viña Morandé was inaugurated. A project that is in Pelequén, in the heart of the Cachapoal valley, which represents the materialization of the restless innovative and entrepreneurial spirit that has always characterized the winery.

Designed by renowned architect Samuel Claro, this winery blends its architectural beauty with the local landscape. It was built in such a way that it is part of the vineyard, embedded in its soil, deep, like the roots that feed the grapes. The choice to make an underground cellar is due to two factors: the first is to take care of the environment, minimizing intervention in the field as much as possible; the second is to use gravity in favor of the wines. A gravitational cellar not only takes care of the grapes, but also allows significant energy savings. Also, its open spaces, large windows and glass walls, which allow maximizing the use of natural light.

This is how this winery is in line with the work methodology of the winemaker and oenological director Ricardo Baettig, who encourages the winemaker’s team and viticulturists to search for unrepeatable wines. Search that includes new denominations of origin, unknown varieties, unexplored and surprising mixtures, rescue of Chilean heritage, non-traditional winemaking methods, authenticity and excellence, among others. For this, this space will have key instruments that will allow winemakers to experiment with new varieties, test fermentation and aging containers, and test new techniques, to continue delivering unrepeatable, authentic wines that boost the national industry.

Among the instruments that can be found are the troncoconic tanks – large cement tanks where the must has less contact with the surface and therefore, a softer maceration; cement eggs, open top and fudres wooden vats, as well as ceramic vats – a container whose materiality is similar to glass, without transferring elements other than the grape to the wine – inverted eggs, buried amphorae -ancient technique that very well maintains the temperature and provide a reasonable oxidation -, lagares -cement container similar to a small pool that facilitates manual work with the pomace- oxolines– structure that allows moving, stacking and handling the barrels much more easily and independently- and clyvers – similar to stoneware ceramic containers, very suitable for long periods of ageing. All elements designed to extract the maximum potential from each vinified variety and allow the wines to acquire greater expression of fruit, elegance and balance.


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